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Microsoft Windows 11 Pro - Publicité

Microsoft Windows 11 Pro

150,00 € - 236,88 € (Prix total)
Easier, intuitive user interface. With new features such as snap layouts you can make the most of your screen surface Powerful security. Secure data and access anywhere with hardware-based insulation, encryption and integrated hardware protection Uniformity for IT. Windows 11 uses the consistent and compatible Windows 10 base and can be managed with familiar tools and processes Instantly transform ideas into text by using voice input in text fields Online meetings with teams. With intelligent noise cancellation and blur the background remains in the background, Plates-formes: Windows 10
Voir plus d'information
2 offres de 2 marchands

Description produit

Easier, intuitive user interface. With new features such as snap layouts you can make the most of your screen surface Powerful security. Secure data and access anywhere with hardware-based insulation, encryption and integrated hardware protection Uniformity for IT. Windows 11 uses the consistent and compatible Windows 10 base and can be managed with familiar tools and processes Instantly transform ideas into text by using voice input in text fields Online meetings with teams. With intelligent noise cancellation and blur the background remains in the background, Plates-formes: Windows 10

Spécifications produit

Nom du produit
Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
Édition Professionnelle, Familiale / Professionnelle
Hostname: dc3-fe-leguide9-03 Version: 2.2.113