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Electronic Arts EA Playground (Nintendo DS) [import anglais] - Publicité

Electronic Arts EA Playground (Nintendo DS) [import anglais]

23,03 € (Prix total)
Explore the Playground in Single Player - As you complete challenges in Single Player mode, you'll unlock new locations, earn stickers as valuable power-ups, and find hidden minigames throughout the playground. Great Variety of Gameplay - With everything from action sports to fun playground contests to car racing to rhythm-based activities, EA Playground is full of games that you would want in your fantasy playground. Four-Person Multiplayer - Play your favorite games head-to-head with your friends.
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1 résultat de 1 marchand

Description produit

Explore the Playground in Single Player - As you complete challenges in Single Player mode, you'll unlock new locations, earn stickers as valuable power-ups, and find hidden minigames throughout the playground. Great Variety of Gameplay - With everything from action sports to fun playground contests to car racing to rhythm-based activities, EA Playground is full of games that you would want in your fantasy playground. Four-Person Multiplayer - Play your favorite games head-to-head with your friends.

Spécifications produit

Nom du produit
Electronic Arts EA Playground (Nintendo DS) [import anglais]
Action, Sport
Hostname: dc3-fe-leguide9-04 Version: 2.2.111