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2K Games WWE Battlegrounds Nintendo Switch Game - Publicité

2K Games WWE Battlegrounds Nintendo Switch Game

64,98 € (Prix total)
Pre-order and be the life of the party by unlocking WWE Hall of Famer, Edge! The world of WWE is your battleground with all your favourite WWE Superstars and Legends In-your-face Arcade action set in outlandish interactive environments around the world Come in your favourite match types with exaggerated manoeuvres, special abilities, and devastating power-ups Mauro Rlo and Jerry "the King" Lawler Call all the mayhem.Featuring over 70 WWE Superstars and Legends.Play through an all-new story mode told through original comic strips.Tons of customizable parts to make WWE 2K battlegrounds your own.Buy WWE 2K Battlegrounds for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One and receive a bonus of 500 Golden Bucks (offer valid until 22nd April 2021)
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Description produit

Pre-order and be the life of the party by unlocking WWE Hall of Famer, Edge! The world of WWE is your battleground with all your favourite WWE Superstars and Legends In-your-face Arcade action set in outlandish interactive environments around the world Come in your favourite match types with exaggerated manoeuvres, special abilities, and devastating power-ups Mauro Rlo and Jerry "the King" Lawler Call all the mayhem.Featuring over 70 WWE Superstars and Legends.Play through an all-new story mode told through original comic strips.Tons of customizable parts to make WWE 2K battlegrounds your own.Buy WWE 2K Battlegrounds for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One and receive a bonus of 500 Golden Bucks (offer valid until 22nd April 2021)

Spécifications produit

Nom du produit
2K Games WWE Battlegrounds Nintendo Switch Game
2K Games
Nintendo Switch
Hostname: dc1-fe-leguide9-04 Version: 2.2.111