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Ikaron Mystery Placesthe Town with no Name [import anglais] - Publicité

Ikaron Mystery Placesthe Town with no Name [import anglais]

7,16 € (Prix total)
Incredible gameplay Fantastic graphics VIC (Voice/Imagery Communicator) A modern PDA device for communicating with his assistant, Kelly. Delaware will use it to take pictures, record sounds and contact Kelly for clues. Mystery - The voices have called Delaware to the site of a long abandoned town. The secrets here are going to change Delaware forever. Interrogate - The spirits that remain here have the answers you're looking for. Ask the right questions to find out vital information.
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Description produit

Incredible gameplay Fantastic graphics VIC (Voice/Imagery Communicator) A modern PDA device for communicating with his assistant, Kelly. Delaware will use it to take pictures, record sounds and contact Kelly for clues. Mystery - The voices have called Delaware to the site of a long abandoned town. The secrets here are going to change Delaware forever. Interrogate - The spirits that remain here have the answers you're looking for. Ask the right questions to find out vital information.

Spécifications produit

Nom du produit
Ikaron Mystery Placesthe Town with no Name [import anglais]
Hostname: dc3-fe-leguide9-02 Version: 2.2.111