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Fotodiox Pro PowerLynx Kit Compatible with B4 (2/3”) ENG Cine 12-Pin Lenses to Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera with MFT Mount - Publicité

Fotodiox Pro PowerLynx Kit Compatible with B4 (2/3”) ENG Cine 12-Pin Lenses to Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera with MFT Mount

351,83 € (Prix total)
Offers the creative flexibility of a powered zoom lens for a fraction of the price of similar options - Optic designed to work with 16mm sensor on camera Includes everything that you need to power-up and mount your B4 (2/3”) ENG 12-pin lens to the Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera - all in one easy to use kit A powered zoom adds countless creative possibilities to your videos, and gives you powerful options for framing. Take advantage of the typical 15x and 20x zoom lengths for more flexible with camera placement Limited 2-year Manufacturer Warranty
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Description produit

Offers the creative flexibility of a powered zoom lens for a fraction of the price of similar options - Optic designed to work with 16mm sensor on camera Includes everything that you need to power-up and mount your B4 (2/3”) ENG 12-pin lens to the Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera - all in one easy to use kit A powered zoom adds countless creative possibilities to your videos, and gives you powerful options for framing. Take advantage of the typical 15x and 20x zoom lengths for more flexible with camera placement Limited 2-year Manufacturer Warranty

Spécifications produit

Nom du produit
Fotodiox Pro PowerLynx Kit Compatible with B4 (2/3”) ENG Cine 12-Pin Lenses to Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera with MFT Mount
Hostname: dc3-fe-leguide9-03 Version: 2.2.111