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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch) Import UK [video game] - Publicité

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch) Import UK [video game]

59,99 € (Prix total)
As Link, explore a reimagined Koholint Island and collect instruments to awaken the Wind Fish to find a way home Explore numerous dungeons, riddled with tricks, traps, and enemies, including some from the Super Mario series Meet and interact with distinct locals to get help on your adventure Listen to reawakened soundtrack that helps bring life to Koholint Island Complete dungeons throughout the story to earn their rooms for the Chamber
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Description produit

As Link, explore a reimagined Koholint Island and collect instruments to awaken the Wind Fish to find a way home Explore numerous dungeons, riddled with tricks, traps, and enemies, including some from the Super Mario series Meet and interact with distinct locals to get help on your adventure Listen to reawakened soundtrack that helps bring life to Koholint Island Complete dungeons throughout the story to earn their rooms for the Chamber

Spécifications produit

Nom du produit
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch) Import UK [video game]
Hostname: dc3-fe-leguide9-04 Version: 2.2.111